There are couple of ways to get the list of files from withing directory.
#1 - Using the built-in Perl glob function
#2 - Using opendir, readdir and closedir
Below Perl script demonstrate the usage of above methods to get the list of files, feel free to copy and use this code.
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#1 - Using the built-in Perl glob function
#2 - Using opendir, readdir and closedir
Below Perl script demonstrate the usage of above methods to get the list of files, feel free to copy and use this code.
# Method #1 - using the built-in Perl glob function
@filelist = <*>;
foreach $filename (@filelist) {
print $filename;
# Method #2 - Using opendir, readdir and closedir
$dir = "/home/poison";
opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "Problem reading the dir. \n";
# Read the entire file names into a array
#@filelist = readdir(DIR);
while ($filename = readdir(DIR)) {
print $filename , "\n";
# Method #1 - using the built-in Perl glob function
@filelist = <*>;
foreach $filename (@filelist) {
print $filename;
# Method #2 - Using opendir, readdir and closedir
$dir = "/home/poison";
opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "Problem reading the dir. \n";
# Read the entire file names into a array
#@filelist = readdir(DIR);
while ($filename = readdir(DIR)) {
print $filename , "\n";
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