Shell script to get uptime, disk usage, cpu usage, RAM usage, system
load, etc; from multiple Linux servers and output the information on a
single server in html format
#!/bin/bash # Shell script to get uptime, disk usage, cpu usage, RAM usage,system load,etc. # from multiple Linux servers and output the information on a single server # in html format. Read below for usage/installation info # *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* # * dig_remote_linux_server_information.bash,v0.1, last updated on 25-Jul-2005* # * Copyright (c) 2005 nixCraft project * # * Comment/bugs: * # * Ref url: * # * This script is licensed under GNU GPL version 2.0 or above * # *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* # * Installation Info * # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------* # You need to setup ssh-keys to avoid password prompt, see url how-to setup # ssh-keys: # # # [1] You need to setup correct VARIABLES script: # # (a) Change Q_HOST to query your host to get information # Q_HOST="" # # (b) Setup USR, who is used to connect via ssh and already setup to connect # via ssh-keys # USR="nixcraft" # # (c)Show warning if server load average is below the limit for last 5 minute. # setup LOAD_WARN as per your need, default is 5.0 # # LOAD_WARN=5.0 # # (d) Setup your network title using MYNETINFO # MYNETINFO="My Network Info" # # (e) Save the file # # Please refer to forum topic on this script: # Also download the .gif files and put them in your output dir # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Execute script as follows (and copy .gif file in this dir) : # > /var/www/html/info.html # ============================================================================ # This script is part of nixCraft shell script collection (NSSC) # Visit for more information. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SSH SERVER HOST IPS, setup me # Change this to query your host Q_HOST="" # SSH USER, change me USR="nixcraft" # Show warning if server load average is below the limit for last 5 minute LOAD_WARN=5.0 # Your network info MYNETINFO="My Network Info" # # if it is run as cgi we can do reload stuff too :D PBY='Powered by <a href="">script</a>' # font colours GREEN='<font color="#00ff00">' RED='<font color="#ff0000">' NOC='</font>' LSTART='<ul><li>' LEND='</li></ul>' # Local path to ssh and other bins SSH="/usr/bin/ssh" PING="/bin/ping" NOW="$(date)" ## functions ## writeHead(){ echo '<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Network Status</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY alink="#0066ff" bgcolor="#000000" link="#0000ff" text="#ccddee" vlink="#0033ff">' echo '<CENTER><H1>' echo "$MYNETINFO</H1>" echo "Generated on $NOW" echo '</CENTER>' } writeFoot(){ echo "<HR><center>$PBY</center>" echo "</BODY></HTML>" } ## main ## writeHead echo '<TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=2 BORDERCOLOR="#000080" CELLPADDING=4 CELLSPACING=4 FRAME=HSIDES RULES=NONE" >' echo '<TR VALIGN=TOP>' for host in $Q_HOST do #echo '<TD WIDTH=33% BGCOLOR="#0099ff">' echo '<TD BGCOLOR="#0099ff">' _CMD="$SSH $USR@$host" rhostname="$($_CMD hostname)" ruptime="$($_CMD uptime)" if $(echo $ruptime | grep -E "min|days" >/dev/null); then x=$(echo $ruptime | awk '{ print $3 $4}') else x=$(echo $ruptime | sed s/,//g| awk '{ print $3 " (hh:mm)"}') fi ruptime="$x" rload="$($_CMD uptime |awk -F'average:' '{ print $2}')" x="$(echo $rload | sed s/,//g | awk '{ print $2}')" y="$(echo "$x >= $LOAD_WARN" | bc)" [ "$y" == "1" ] && rload="$RED $rload (High) $NOC" || rload="$GREEN $rload (Ok) $NOC" rclock="$($_CMD date +"%r")" rtotalprocess="$($_CMD ps axue | grep -vE "^USER|grep|ps" | wc -l)" rfs="$($_CMD df -hT | grep -vE "^Filesystem|shm" \ | awk 'BEGIN{print "<ul>"}{w=sprintf("%d",$6);print "<li>" $7 \ " " $6 \ "(" $2 ")<BR> <img src=\"indicator.gif\" height=\"4\" width=\"" w "\"> \ <BR><img src=\"graph.gif\"> \ <BR>" $4"/"$3 "</li>"}END{ print "</ul>"}')" rusedram="$($_CMD free -mto | grep Mem: | awk '{ print $3 " MB" }')" rfreeram="$($_CMD free -mto | grep Mem: | awk '{ print $4 " MB" }')" rtotalram="$($_CMD free -mto | grep Mem: | awk '{ print $2 " MB" }')" $PING -c1 $host>/dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then rping="$RED Failed $NOC" else rping="$GREEN Ok $NOC" echo "<b><u>$rhostname</u></b><BR>" echo "Ping status: $rping<BR>" echo "Time: $rclock<BR>" echo "Uptime: $ruptime <BR>" echo "Load avarage: $LSTART $rload $LEND" echo "Total running process: $LSTART $rtotalprocess $LEND" echo "Disk status:" echo "$rfs" echo "Ram/swap status:<ul>" echo "<li>Used RAM: $rusedram</li>" echo "<li>Free RAM: $rfreeram</li>" echo "<li>Total RAM: $rtotalram </li></ul>" fi echo "</td>" done echo "</tr></table>" writeFoot
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