#!/bin/bash # Shell Program to simulate a simple calculator # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is a free shell script under GNU GPL version 2.0 or above # Copyright (C) 2005 nixCraft project. # Feedback/comment/suggestions : http://cyberciti.biz/fb/ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This script is part of nixCraft shell script collection (NSSC) # Visit http://bash.cyberciti.biz/ for more information. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- a=$1 op="$2" b=$3 if [ $# -lt 3 ] then echo "$0 num1 opr num2" echo "opr can be +, -, / , x" exit 1 fi case "$op" in +) echo $(( $a + $b ));; -) echo $(( $a - $b ));; /) echo $(( $a / $b ));; x) echo $(( $a * $b ));; *) echo "Error ";; esac
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