Tuesday, May 20, 2014

rsnapshot Remote MySQL Backup Shell Script

rsnapshot is an open-source backup and recovery tool. It can create daily, weekly, hourly and monthly file system backup. It can also create local and remote MySQL server backup.

How do I use this script?

Our sample setup:
backup.example.com ==> rsnapshot server with RAID protected disks.
mysql.example.com ==> Remote mysql server
webserver.example.com ==> Remote Apache webserver

Configuration on remote mysql.example.com server

Download the following script and install on remote mysql server at /root/rsnapshot.mysql location. Setup executable permissions:
# cd /root
# wget http://bash.cyberciti.biz/dl/408.sh.zip
# unzip 408.sh.zip
# mv 408.sh rsnapshot.mysql
# rm 408.sh.zip
# chmod +x rsnapshot.mysql

Customize the script and setup login info.

Configuration for rsnapshot server

First, find out your snapshot root, enter:
# grep snapshot_root /etc/rsnapshot.conf
snapshot_root /.raiddisk/rsnapshots/
rsnapshot will store mysql backup at /.raiddisk/rsnapshots/tmp/ before moving to /.raiddisk/rsnapshots/hourly.0/mysql/ directory. Open your rsnapshot.conf file and add the following configuration:
  1. ### start db backup for remote server called mysql.example.com ###
  2. # dump all databases at remote server itself
  3. backup_script /usr/bin/ssh root@mysql.example.com "/root/rsnapshot.mysql" unused1/
  4. # Copy all databases from remote server to local server and rsnapshot will move it to /.raiddisk/rsnapshots/$level/mysql/ directory (where, $level can be hourly, monthly etc).
  5. backup_script /usr/bin/scp -r root@mysql.example.com:/tmp/rsnapshot/mysql/ /.raiddisk/rsnapshots/tmp/ mysql/
Here is sample configuration for both web and mysql server:
  1. #
  2. # Backup mysql.example.com
  3. #
  4. backup_script /usr/bin/ssh root@mysql.example.com "/root/rsnapshot.mysql" unused1/
  5. backup_script /usr/bin/scp -r root@mysql.example.com:/tmp/rsnapshot/mysql/ /.raiddisk/rsnapshots/tmp/ mysql/
  6. #
  7. # Backup webserver.example.com
  8. #
  9. backup root@webserver.example.com:/etc/ webserver.example.com/
  10. backup root@webserver.example.com:/var/www/ webserver.example.com/
  11. backup root@webserver.example.com:/root/ webserver.example.com/
  12. backup root@webserver.example.com:/var/spool/ webserver.example.com/
Save and close the file. Test configuration:
# rsnapshot configtest
See rsnapshot tutorial for further details under RHEL / CentOS and Debian / UbuntuLinux.

Shell Script

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # A UNIX / Linux shell script to backup mysql server database using rsnapshot utility.
  3. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. # Copyright (c) 2007 Vivek Gite <vivek@nixcraft.com>
  5. # This script is licensed under GNU GPL version 2.0 or above
  6. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. # This script is part of nixCraft shell script collection (NSSC)
  8. # Visit http://bash.cyberciti.biz/ for more information.
  9. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. # Tested under RHEL / Debian / CentOS / FreeBSD oses
  11. # Must be Installed on remote MySQL Server
  12. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. # Last update: Sun Jul 5 2009 : Added mysql ping support and binary checking
  14. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. ### SETUP MYSQL LOGIN ###
  18. MHOST=""
  20. ### Set to 1 if you need to see progress while dumping dbs ###
  21. VERBOSE=0
  23. ### Set bins path ###
  24. GZIP=/bin/gzip
  25. MYSQL=/usr/bin/mysql
  26. MYSQLDUMP=/usr/bin/mysqldump
  27. RM=/bin/rm
  28. MKDIR=/bin/mkdir
  29. MYSQLADMIN=/usr/bin/mysqladmin
  30. GREP=/bin/grep
  32. ### Setup dump directory ###
  33. BAKRSNROOT=/tmp/rsnapshot/mysql
  35. #####################################
  36. ### ----[ No Editing below ]------###
  37. #####################################
  38. ### Default time format ###
  39. TIME_FORMAT='%H_%M_%S%P'
  41. ### Make a backup ###
  42. backup_mysql_rsnapshot(){
  43. local DBS="$($MYSQL -u $MUSER -h $MHOST -p$MPASS -Bse 'show databases')"
  44. local db="";
  45. [ ! -d $BAKRSNROOT ] && ${MKDIR} -p $BAKRSNROOT
  46. ${RM} -f $BAKRSNROOT/* >/dev/null 2>&1
  47. [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ] && echo "*** Dumping MySQL Database ***"
  48. [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ] && echo -n "Database> "
  49. for db in $DBS
  50. do
  51. local tTime=$(date +"${TIME_FORMAT}")
  52. local FILE="${BAKRSNROOT}/${db}.${tTime}.gz"
  53. [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ] && echo -n "$db.."
  54. ${MYSQLDUMP} -u ${MUSER} -h ${MHOST} -p${MPASS} $db | ${GZIP} -9 > $FILE
  55. done
  56. [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ] && echo ""
  57. [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ] && echo "*** Backup done [ files wrote to $BAKRSNROOT] ***"
  58. }
  60. ### Die on demand with message ###
  61. die(){
  62. echo "$@"
  63. exit 999
  64. }
  66. ### Make sure bins exists.. else die
  67. verify_bins(){
  68. [ ! -x $GZIP ] && die "File $GZIP does not exists. Make sure correct path is set in $0."
  69. [ ! -x $MYSQL ] && die "File $MYSQL does not exists. Make sure correct path is set in $0."
  70. [ ! -x $MYSQLDUMP ] && die "File $MYSQLDUMP does not exists. Make sure correct path is set in $0."
  71. [ ! -x $RM ] && die "File $RM does not exists. Make sure correct path is set in $0."
  72. [ ! -x $MKDIR ] && die "File $MKDIR does not exists. Make sure correct path is set in $0."
  73. [ ! -x $MYSQLADMIN ] && die "File $MYSQLADMIN does not exists. Make sure correct path is set in $0."
  74. [ ! -x $GREP ] && die "File $GREP does not exists. Make sure correct path is set in $0."
  75. }
  77. ### Make sure we can connect to server ... else die
  78. verify_mysql_connection(){
  79. $MYSQLADMIN -u $MUSER -h $MHOST -p$MPASS ping | $GREP 'alive'>/dev/null
  80. [ $? -eq 0 ] || die "Error: Cannot connect to MySQL Server. Make sure username and password are set correctly in $0"
  81. }
  83. ### main ####
  84. verify_bins
  85. verify_mysql_connection
  86. backup_mysql_rsnapshot